Different types of machine tools for human use

How do Slotting Machines, Milling Machines, Band Saw Machines, and Tool and Cutter Grinders work and where are they used?

Advancing technology has brought about different types of machine tools for human use. Lathes, drilling machines, milling machines, saws, grinding tools and other machine tools are being employed for higher levels of efficiency in factories and at tool rooms. These machine tools have made production easier and faster while also limiting the cost of energy. Now let’s take a look at each individual machine tool in more detail so you can understand which one is right for your business: slotters, mills, saws, and grinding machines.

Slotting machines are widely used in industries such as automotive, furniture, construction and heavy manufacturing. Their most popular use is to shape and cut hard materials like metal and wood. The slotting machines used in each industry are generally heavy duty, robust machines designed for faster and high-speed metal productions in their respected industries. These slotters are widely employed for making slots on heads of blank machine screws, wood screws, bolts, automobile components or other similar parts. There are different types of milling machines including manual, mechanical, and digitally operated CNC millers. Their main purpose is to shape metal or other solid materials into customized shapes by using a rotating circular cutter (the cutter head). They can vary in size depending on whether they’re bench-mounted or stand on the floor. Typically these machines cut simple shapes like slots and keyholes, but they can also be used for things like complex contouring and die sinking.

This saw is used in industries like wood working, metalwork and automotive to cut with minute precision in a number of applications. It generally has a metal blade with teeth that’s pulled past the material ― usually by an electric motor to form an intricate shape. Bandsaw machines for cutting metal are available in both horizontal and vertical designs. There are also dual column bandsaw machines which have two columns on either side of the material to maximize accuracy and high rigidity in industry. The saws can be commonly seen all over for use in a variety of industries, including automotive, electrical, electronics and even woodworking.

Machine and Tool Grinding
Tool & Cutter Grinders are special machines that can be customized to fit your needs. They are used to grind and sharpen a variety of tools and cutters and have many industrial applications, from cutting drill bits to precision CNC parts. Radius Tool & Cutter Grinders and CNC forms of Tool Cutter Grinders are widely used in today’s industries for various metal cutting applications such as convex, concave, or spherical.